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uvicorn: A Lightning-Fast ASGI Server for Building Fast and Scalable Web Applications in Python

uvicorn is a high-performance ASGI server that is specifically designed for Python web frameworks like Starlette and FastAPI. It is built on top of the ultra-fast HTTP server uvloop and provides a number of features that make it an excellent choice for building fast and scalable web applications.

ASGI (Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface) is a specification for asynchronous web servers in Python. It defines a common interface between web frameworks and servers, allowing developers to write web applications that can be deployed on any ASGI-compliant server.

Benefits of using an ASGI server:

  • Improved performance
  • Concurrency and scalability
  • WebSockets support
  • HTTP/2 support

Key features of uvicorn:

  • Lightning-fast performance
  • Concurrency and scalability
  • WebSockets support
  • HTTP/2 support
  • Hot reloading


To install uvicorn, simply run the following command:

pip install uvicorn


To use uvicorn, you first need to create an ASGI application. 

Here's an example using FastAPI:

from fastapi import FastAPI

app = FastAPI()


async def homepage():

    return {"message": "Hello, world!"}

Once you have created your ASGI application, you can run it using uvicorn:

uvicorn app:app

This will start the uvicorn server and make your FastAPI application available at http://localhost:8000.


uvicorn provides a number of configuration options that allow you to customize its behavior. Here are some of the most common options:

  • host: The hostname or IP address on which the server should listen.
  • port: The port on which the server should listen.
  • workers: The number of worker processes to spawn.
  • reload: Whether or not to automatically reload the application code when changes are detected.

You can specify configuration options by passing them as arguments to the uvicorn command. For example, to run your application on port 5000 with 4 worker processes, you would use the following command:

uvicorn app:app --port 5000 --workers 4


uvicorn is a powerful and efficient ASGI server that is ideal for building fast and scalable web applications in Python. Its lightning-fast performance, concurrency and scalability, WebSockets support, HTTP/2 support, and hot reloading make it an excellent choice for modern web development.



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