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Mastering the Basics: Understanding the Building Blocks of Next.js - Files, Components, and Routing

Next.js is a powerful and flexible framework that empowers developers to build high-performance, SEO-friendly web applications with ease. While its features seem complex at first, understanding the fundamental building blocks lays a solid foundation for mastering this robust modern framework.

In this blog post, we will delve into the three essential building blocks of Next.js: files, components, and routing. We will explore each concept in detail, providing examples and insights to help you grasp the crucial functionalities that will enable you to create remarkable Next.js applications.

Files: The Organization Backbone

Next.js implements a well-defined file structure with specific purposes for each type of content. Understanding this structure will give you control over the organization and functionality of your application.

The Pages Directory: Your App's Main Entry Point

The pages directory is the heart of your Next.js application. Every file within this directory represents a unique route, forming the core structure of your app's navigation. You can create files with different extensions (like .js, .jsx, .md, or .mdx), offering flexibility and catering to different content types.

Page Files: Building Blocks of User Interface

Each file within the pages directory serves as a dedicated React component. This component controls the UI displayed for the corresponding route. You can structure your page components to manage state, fetch data, and render the specific content needed for each route.

Here's a simple example of a pages/index.js file, rendering a welcome message on the homepage:

// pages/index.js

import React from "react";

function Home() {

  return <h1>Welcome to Next.js!</h1>;


export default Home;

API Routes: Handling Server-Side Requests

Files inside the pages/api directory act as your serverless functions. These files contain JavaScript code executed on the server-side, allowing you to handle data fetching, API calls, and form submissions securely.

// pages/api/hello.js

export default function handler(req, res) {

  res.status(200).json({ name: "John Doe" });


The above code defines an API route at /api/hello that returns a JSON response with the key name.

Components: Reusable Building Blocks for your UI

Components are the fundamental building blocks of any React application, and Next.js extends this functionality to a whole new level. Next.js components can be nested within other components, promoting code reusability and maintainability.

Types of Components

There are three main types of Next.js components:

  • Standard Components: These are regular React components that can be utilized within any Next.js file. They can handle state, receive props, and render specific UI elements to be displayed within your application.
  • Head Components: Located in the _app.js file, Head components manage the contents of the HTML head element across your application. They allow you to define page titles, meta descriptions, and other meta tags for search engine optimization (SEO) purposes.
  • Layout Components: These define the overall structural layout of your application's pages. Layout components manage the header, navigation, footer, and other content areas that remain the same across different pages, while the main content area is filled by individual page components.

Routing: Navigating with Precision

Routing in Next.js determines how your application handles navigation, defining the association between URL paths and the components displayed for those paths.

Built-in Routing for Dynamic Navigation

Out of the box, Next.js offers dynamic routing based on your file structure. Every file within the pages directory automatically creates a corresponding route accessible by its filename. Additionally, dynamic parameters within file names (e.g., pages/products/[productId].js) enable capturing dynamic route data and displaying relevant information based on user input.

Here's a simple example of accessing dynamic parameters in a page component:

// pages/products/[productId].js

import React from "react";

function Product({ productId }) {

  // Retrieve product information based on productId

  return (


      <h1>Product: {productId}</h1>

      {/* ... display product details ... */}




export async function getStaticProps(context) {

  const { productId } = context.params;

  // Fetch product data using productId

  return { props: { productId } };


export default Product;

This example displays a specific product page based on the productId parameter dynamically fetched on the server-side using getStaticProps.

Programmatic Navigation using Router API

For more granular control, Next.js offers the Router API that allows you to programmatically navigate to specific routes within your application. The API provides various functions like push, replace, and link to handle transitions between different pages or sections of your app.

import { useRouter } from "next/router";

function MyComponent() {

  const router = useRouter();

  const handleNavigateToAbout = () => {



  // ... more navigation logic ...

  return (

    // ... component rendering logic ...



This example shows how the useRouter hook provides access to the router within a component, allowing for programmatic navigation to the /about route via the push method.

Next.js Project Folder Structure

Here's a breakdown of the essential folders and files within a typical Next.js project:


├── pages/                   // main directory for your application pages

│   ├── index.js             // the home page of your application

│   ├── about.js             // the about page

│   ├── products/             // directory for product-related pages

│   │   ├── [productId].js    // dynamic product page based on ID

│   │   └── index.js          // listing of all products

│   ├── blog/                // blog posts directory

│   │   ├── [slug].js         // dynamic blog post page based on slug

│   │   └── index.js          // listing of all blog posts

│   └── ...                   // more pages

├── public/                  // static assets like images, fonts, etc.

├── styles/                  // global stylesheets for your application

├── components/              // reusable components across your project

├── lib/                     // custom libraries, utilities, or helpers

└── package.json             // project dependencies and scripts

Additional notes:

  • The pages/api directory stores your serverless functions for API endpoints.
  • The _app.js file defines the application's root component and is responsible for global layout and state management.
  • The next.config.js file allows you to configure various aspects of your Next.js project.
  • The .env.local file stores environment variables specific to your local development environment.

Example File Usage:

  • pages/index.js: Renders the content for the homepage.
  • pages/about.js: Renders the content for the about page.
  • pages/products/[productId].js: Renders the content for a specific product page, with the productId dynamic parameter.
  • pages/api/users.js: Defines an API endpoint for handling user-related requests.
  • components/Header.js: Reusable header component used across different pages.
  • styles/globals.css: Global styles applied to the entire application.

This comprehensive folder structure enables you to organize your code effectively, promotes code reusability, and facilitates a scalable and maintainable development process for your Next.js applications.


By understanding the core building blocks of files, components, and routing, you have laid the foundation for building complex and dynamic Next.js applications. Utilize these elements effectively to design user interfaces, handle data fetching and server-side logic, and establish efficient navigation across your application.

Remember, mastering these basics is just the first step in your Next.js journey. Keep exploring the advanced features, delve deeper into concepts like data fetching and state management, and continuously refine your Next.js development skills to create exceptional web applications that delight your users and push the boundaries of modern web development.



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