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String-Based Lazy Loading Components with HOCs in Next.js

Next.js is renowned for its ability to optimize performance, and lazy loading components plays a crucial role in achieving this. While the built-in dynamic import syntax is powerful, it lacks direct support for lazy loading with strings. This limitation can be overcome with Higher-Order Components (HOCs), offering a robust and reusable solution.

Demystifying the Problem

Imagine a scenario where you have numerous components whose names are stored dynamically in a variable. You want to lazy load these components based on their respective names. The conventional dynamic import approach necessitates manual string manipulation, leading to potential complexities and code redundancy.

Introducing the HOC Savior

A well-crafted HOC serves as a knight in shining armor, encapsulating the string-based lazy loading logic and simplifying the process. Let's dive into the anatomy of an effective HOC for this purpose:

const createLazyComponent = (componentName) =>

  lazy(() => import(`./${componentName}`));

This HOC gracefully accepts a string representing the component name and utilizes the dynamic import syntax under the hood. It returns a lazy-loaded component that can be seamlessly integrated into your application.

Usage in Action

Now, let's witness the HOC in action:

const MyComponent = createLazyComponent('my-component');

export default function MyPage() {

  return <MyComponent />;


Elegant and concise! The MyComponent is now dynamically imported based on the provided string, enhancing performance without compromising code clarity.

Key Benefits of the HOC Approach

  • Reusability: The HOC can be applied to any component with a string name, promoting code reuse and maintainability.
  • Abstraction: It hides the underlying dynamic import logic, providing a clean and intuitive interface for developers.
  • Flexibility: The HOC can be extended to incorporate additional features like error handling and custom loading indicators.

Additional Considerations

  • Component File Path: Ensure the string representing the component path is accurate and points to a valid component file.
  • Dynamic Import Trigger: Remember that dynamic imports are triggered only when the component is actually used in the page, maximizing performance gains.
  • Tailored Approach: Select the approach that aligns best with your project's needs and structure.

Real-World Applications

String-based lazy loading with HOCs finds practical applications in various scenarios:

  • Dynamic Routing: When routing determines the component to be loaded, an HOC can dynamically import the appropriate component based on the route.
  • Content Management Systems: In CMS-driven applications where component names are stored in a database, an HOC can efficiently handle lazy loading.
  • Modularized Applications: For projects with numerous independent modules, an HOC can facilitate lazy loading components from different modules.


By embracing the power of Higher-Order Components, you can unlock the potential of string-based lazy loading in your Next.js applications. This approach paves the way for enhanced performance, streamlined development, and a more modular codebase. With its versatility and ease of use, the HOC approach empowers you to craft efficient and dynamic Next.js applications that deliver an exceptional user experience.



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