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Showing posts with the label internet explorer

How to Set Up and Configure Browserslist with React : Ensuring That Your React App Works Optimally For Your Intended Audience.

Browserslist is a tool that helps you target specific browsers and their versions when building your React applications. It provides a simple and consistent way to define the browsers you want to support, ensuring that your app works optimally for your intended audience. Installing Browserslist To install Browserslist, run the following command in your project's root directory: npm install --save-dev browserslist Creating a .browserslistrc File Once you have installed Browserslist, you need to create a .browserslistrc file in your project's root directory. This file should contain a list of the browsers and their versions that you want to support. For example, the following .browserslistrc file would target the latest two versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge: # .browserslistrc > 1% last 2 Chrome versions last 2 Firefox versions last 2 Safari versions last 2 Edge versions Configuring Browserslist with React Once you have created a .browserslistrc


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