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Next Auth Configuration to Mongodb

NextAuth is a popular authentication library for React applications that provides a simple and secure way to handle user authentication, authorization, and session management. It supports a variety of authentication providers, including MongoDB.


Before configuring NextAuth for MongoDB, you will need to:

  • Install MongoDB and create a database and collection for storing user data.
  • Install the mongodb Node.js driver.


To configure NextAuth for MongoDB, follow these steps:

  • Install the next-auth and mongodb packages:

npm install next-auth mongodb

  • Create a new file called [...nextauth].js in your project's root directory. This file will contain your NextAuth configuration.
  • Import the NextAuth and MongoDBAdapter classes from the next-auth and mongodb packages, respectively:

import NextAuth from "next-auth";

import MongoDBAdapter from "next-auth/adapters/mongodb";

Configure NextAuth using the MongoDBAdapter:

export default NextAuth({

  adapter: MongoDBAdapter({

    uri: "mongodb://localhost:27017/next-auth",

    databaseName: "next-auth",

    collection: "users",




In this configuration, we are specifying the URI of our MongoDB database, the name of the database, and the name of the collection where user data will be stored.

Add additional configuration options as needed, such as authentication providers, session settings, and callbacks.


Here is an example of a complete [...nextauth].js configuration file for NextAuth with MongoDB:

import NextAuth from "next-auth"; import MongoDBAdapter from "next-auth/adapters/mongodb"; export default NextAuth({ adapter: MongoDBAdapter({ uri: "mongodb://localhost:27017/next-auth", databaseName: "next-auth", collection: "users", }), providers: [ // Add your authentication providers here ], session: { // Configure session options }, callbacks: { // Add custom callbacks here }, });


Configuring NextAuth for MongoDB is a straightforward process that allows you to easily integrate user authentication and management into your React applications. By following the steps outlined in this post, you can quickly set up NextAuth to use MongoDB as its data store.
You can also you this github repository as refernce to setup providers , session and callbacks .



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