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The 29 Next.js Mistakes Beginners Make (and How to Fix Them)

Next.js, with its powerful features like server components, server actions, and dynamic routing, has revolutionized web development. However, this power comes with a new learning curve, and beginners often stumble upon some common pitfalls. In this blog post, we'll explore 29 common Next.js mistakes that beginners make and provide explanations and solutions to help you avoid them.

1. Misusing the useClient Directive

The useClient directive is crucial for marking components that need to run in the browser. However, placing it too high up in the component tree can lead to unintended consequences. Imagine you have a page component importing two subcomponents, one of which needs to be a client component. Placing useClient at the top of the page component will make all imported components client components, even if they don't require browser-side execution. This can lead to unnecessary code being shipped to the client, impacting performance.

Solution: Add useClient directly to the component file that requires it, ensuring that only those components become client components.

2. Neglecting to Refactor for Client Components

Sometimes, you might find yourself adding a small interactive element to your page, such as an "upvote" button. You might be tempted to simply add useClient to the top of your file, making all components client components. However, this can unnecessarily increase the size of your client-side bundle.

Solution: Refactor the interactive element into a separate component, and add useClient only to that component file. This ensures that only the necessary code is shipped to the client.

3. Falsely Assuming a Component is a Server Component

Just because you don't see useClient at the top of a component file doesn't mean it's a server component. If that component is being imported into another file with useClient, it will become a client component.

Solution: It's best practice to add useClient directly to the component file if the component always needs to be a client component. This eliminates any dependency on the importing file's context and ensures predictable behavior.

4. Assuming Wrapping a Server Component in a Client Component Makes it a Client Component

While importing a server component into a file with useClient turns it into a client component, this doesn't hold true for rendering a server component within a client component. The children pattern allows a client component to wrap a server component without changing its nature.

Solution: Understand that wrapping a server component in a client component doesn't automatically make it client-side. The children pattern allows components to maintain their server/client distinction despite nesting.

5. Attempting State Management on the Server Side

State management solutions like the Context API, Zustand, and Recoil are designed for client-side use. They rely on the browser's persistence to track state changes. Using them on the server side is not possible because server-side code handles requests and responses independently, without maintaining state between requests.

Solution: State management should be confined to the client side. Use server components for data fetching and server actions for data mutations.

6. Using useServer to Make a Component a Server Component

The useServer directive is not used to create server components. It's for creating server actions. Server components are the default in Next.js, so you don't need to explicitly mark them. Using useServer on a component will actually expose a server action endpoint, which can lead to security vulnerabilities if used incorrectly.

Solution: Focus on server actions for handling data mutations. Server components are the default and don't require useServer. For components that should never be client-side, consider the server-only package for stricter control.

7. Leaking Sensitive Data from Server to Client

When passing data from a server component to a client component, be cautious of sensitive information. This data will be sent over the network and becomes visible on the client-side.

Solution: Implement security best practices like password hashing and data access layers to prevent leaking sensitive data. Only pass necessary information to client components.

8. Confusing Server and Client Component Execution

While server components run exclusively on the server, client components run in the browser but also during the server-side pre-rendering step for initial HTML generation. This means console logs in client components will appear both in the browser console and the server terminal.

Solution: Be mindful of this dual execution. Use server components for data fetching and logic that shouldn't be exposed in the browser. Client components should focus on user interaction and UI updates.

9. Incorrectly Using Browser APIs in Server or Client Components

Browser APIs like window, localStorage, and other objects are only available in the browser, not on the server. Attempting to use them in a server component will throw an error. Even client components execute on the server side during pre-rendering, so accessing browser APIs directly in these components can also cause issues.

Solution: Implement checks to ensure the window object is available before using browser APIs. Use useEffect to access these APIs after hydration, or use dynamic imports to ensure client-only execution.

10. Encountering Hydration Errors

Hydration errors occur when the HTML generated on the server side doesn't match the state rendered on the client side. This can happen due to incorrect HTML structure, inconsistent state, or browser APIs being accessed on the server side.

Solution: Thoroughly test your components and avoid using browser APIs directly in server-side code. Use useEffect or dynamic imports to ensure client-only execution. In cases where there's no workaround, you can use suppressHydrationWarning if you are sure the mismatch is not problematic.

11. Mismanaging Third-Party Components

Third-party components often utilize React hooks or browser APIs without including useClient in their files. This can lead to errors if you use them in Next.js without proper handling.

Solution: Wrap third-party components that use React hooks in a file with useClient. For components using browser APIs, consider using dynamic imports to ensure client-only execution.

Data Fetching and Mutations:

12. Relying on Route Handlers for Data Fetching

While traditional API routes were previously the primary means of data fetching, server components offer a more efficient alternative. Server components run on the server, allowing you to fetch data directly without needing separate API endpoints.

Solution: Fetch data directly within server components. This eliminates the need for separate API routes and simplifies data fetching.

13. Duplicating Data Fetching Logic

Fetching the same data in multiple components might seem inefficient, but it's actually perfectly fine. React and Next.js handle caching behind the scenes. Fetch calls will only be executed once within the same render pass, and the data cache will persist even across deployments.

Solution: Fetch data directly in the component that needs it. Leverage React's and Next.js's caching mechanisms for optimized performance.

14. Creating Waterfalls with Sequential Data Fetching

Sequential data fetching, where each fetch call waits for the previous one to finish, can lead to delays. This is especially problematic when the fetches are independent and can be made in parallel.

Solution: Utilize Promise.all or Promise.allSettled to initiate multiple fetch calls concurrently, maximizing efficiency. Avoid nesting components that perform data fetching to prevent accidental waterfalls.

15. Submitting Data to Server Components or Route Handlers

Server components are primarily for rendering, not for handling data submissions. Route handlers were previously used for data mutations, but server actions now provide a cleaner and more integrated approach.

Solution: Use server actions for data mutations. Server actions are functions marked with useServer and can be invoked from forms or client components. Next.js handles the network request and response, simplifying the process.

16. Not Refreshing Views After Data Mutations

When data is mutated, the UI might not update immediately due to caching. Server components cache their render results, so subsequent requests may not fetch the latest data.

Solution: Use the revalidatePath function within server actions to invalidate the cache. This ensures the UI updates with the latest data after a mutation.

17. Limiting Server Actions to Server Components

Server actions can be invoked from both server components and client components. While they are often demonstrated with forms in server components, they are equally effective in client-side scenarios.

Solution: Use server actions wherever data mutations are needed, regardless of whether the invoking component is server-side or client-side.

18. Forgetting to Validate and Protect Server Actions

Server actions expose endpoints that can be accessed by anyone. Therefore, validating incoming data and implementing authentication checks are crucial for security.

Solution: Use validation libraries like Zod to ensure the correct data structure. Implement authentication checks to prevent unauthorized access.

19. Misusing the useServer Directive

The useServer directive is for creating server actions, not for enforcing server-side execution. If you have utility functions that should only be used on the server, using useServer will create a server action endpoint, which is not the intended behavior.

Solution: Utilize the server-only package to mark utility functions that should only be used on the server. This prevents accidental client-side imports and ensures correct behavior.

Dynamic Routes, Params, and Search Params:

20. Misunderstanding Dynamic Routes and Params

Dynamic routes in Next.js use square brackets in the file path to indicate segments that can vary. This allows you to create a single page component that handles multiple URL variations based on dynamic segments like IDs or slugs. You access these segments using the params prop within the page component.

Solution: Utilize square brackets in your file paths to create dynamic routes. Access the dynamic segments via the params prop in the page component.

21. Incorrectly Working with Search Params

Search params are appended to URLs using the query string (e.g., ?color=red). While you can easily update the URL using useRouter or the Link component, reading search params from the server side requires a network request.

Solution: For reading search params on the server side, use the searchParams prop in the page component. This triggers a network request to fetch the latest values. For client-side reading, utilize the useSearchParams hook.

Suspense and Streaming:

22. Forgetting Loading States

Coding locally can be misleading as network requests are often fast. In production, data fetching can lead to noticeable delays, making loading states crucial for user experience.

Solution: Use Next.js's loading.tsx convention to display a fallback component while data is being fetched. This provides a smooth transition and prevents the user from seeing an empty screen.

23. Not Using Granular Suspense Boundaries

Wrapping an entire page in a suspense boundary can block the rendering of other elements while waiting for data. This is inefficient if only a specific component needs to wait for data.

Solution: Use suspense boundaries only around the components that require data fetching. This allows other elements to render while the dependent component waits for data, improving user experience.

24. Placing Suspense in the Wrong Location

The suspense boundary needs to be placed above the point where the await keyword is used. If the suspense boundary is placed inside the component that does the waiting, it will block the entire page instead of just the component that needs to wait.

Solution: Make sure your suspense boundary wraps the component that's performing data fetching using await, preventing the entire page from being blocked.

25. Forgetting the key Prop for Suspense

Suspense boundaries need a key prop when working with dynamically changing data, such as search params. This ensures that the suspense boundary is re-triggered when the data changes, allowing for correct rendering.

Solution: Use a unique key prop, such as the search param value, on your suspense boundary. This ensures that React knows when to re-trigger suspense and update the component.

Static and Dynamic Rendering:

26. Accidentally Opting into Dynamic Rendering

Next.js automatically opts a route into dynamic rendering when using certain features, such as the searchParams prop, the cookies function, or the headers function. This can lead to unnecessary dynamic rendering, impacting performance.

Solution: Avoid using features that trigger dynamic rendering unless absolutely necessary. Consider alternative solutions like using client-side hooks or middleware to avoid dynamic rendering when it's not essential.

27. Hardcoding Secrets in Server Components

Hardcoding sensitive information like API keys directly in your server components or files is a security risk. If these components are ever used client-side, the secrets will be exposed.

Solution: Store secrets in environment variables using the .env.local file (or the ENV variable with proper ignore configurations). These variables are not included in the client bundle, ensuring security.

28. Mismanaging Server-Side Utilities

Utility functions that use environment variables or other server-side resources might be unintentionally used in client components. This can lead to incorrect results or security issues.

Solution: Utilize the server-only package to mark utility functions that should only be used on the server. This prevents accidental client-side imports and ensures the correct behavior.

29. Using the redirect Function Inside a try...catch Block

The redirect function in Next.js is designed to throw an error. Wrapping it in a try...catch block will catch the error, preventing the redirect from occurring.

Solution: Use the redirect function outside a try...catch block. If you need to conditionally redirect, handle the redirect condition outside the try...catch.


Navigating the complexities of Next.js requires a keen understanding of its core features and the potential pitfalls. By understanding these common mistakes and their solutions, you can write more efficient, secure, and user-friendly applications. Remember to focus on best practices, utilize Next.js's tools effectively, and pay close attention to the server/client distinction to avoid these errors. With practice, you'll become proficient in building high-quality Next.js applications with confidence.



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