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JSONRepair: Your Go-To Tool For Fixing Broken JSON

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a ubiquitous data format used across a myriad of applications and systems. However, creating perfectly valid JSON can be challenging, and often leads to errors, inconsistencies, and data corruption. This is where JSONRepair comes to the rescue. JSONRepair is a powerful Node.js library designed to fix common issues found in broken JSON documents. It can detect and repair a wide range of problems, making it an invaluable tool for developers, data analysts, and anyone working with JSON data. What JSONRepair Can Fix: JSONRepair tackles a comprehensive set of common JSON issues, including: Missing Quotes: Adds missing quotes around keys. Missing Escape Characters: Inserts necessary escape characters for special characters. Missing Commas: Inserts missing commas between elements in arrays and objects. Missing Closing Brackets: Adds missing closing brackets for arrays and objects. Truncated JSON: Repairs truncated JSON by adding missing elements or clo

Unleashing Gemini API Features In Your Next.js App With API Routes (With Code & Github Repo Link)

 The emergence of large language models (LLMs) like Gemini has revolutionized how we interact with technology. Their ability to generate human-like text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way opens up a world of possibilities for web applications. In this blog post, we'll guide you through integrating Gemini AI into your Next.js project using API routes. Clone project from Github:  Gemini API using Next.js API routes - github project link Setting the Stage: Project Setup and API Keys Before we dive into coding, let's ensure our Next.js project is ready for action. NextJs Page Router will be used in the blogpost. New Project: If you don't have a Next.js project, create one using the following command: npx create-next-app my-gemini-app  You will prompted to answer some questions about the nextjs project. Need to install the following packages: create-next-app@14.2.5 Ok to proceed? (y) y ✔ Wo

NextUI Input File: A Bug & Workaround

NextUI is a fantastic library for building beautiful and functional user interfaces, but even the best tools can have hiccups. One such issue currently affects its Input component when used with the type="file" attribute. This post will delve into the problem, explain why it occurs, and offer a safe workaround until the issue is officially resolved. The Bug: Double Clicks and Undefined Files The issue manifests as follows: Clicking to Choose a File: When you first click the file input, the selected file appears to be "undefined" in the console. Second Attempt: Only after clicking the file selection dialog again does the selected file actually register and become available. This behavior is inconsistent and frustrating, especially when you expect the input to behave like a standard HTML <input type="file"> element. Root Cause: Empty String as Default Value The bug stems from how NextUI's Input component handles its default value. It assum

Dive into Docker with Node.js: Building Efficient and Portable Applications with Docker Compose

 Dive into Docker with Node.js: Building Efficient and Portable Applications with Docker Compose This comprehensive guide takes you through the exciting journey of utilizing Docker and Docker Compose for efficient Node.js development. We'll cover essential aspects like installation prerequisites, Docker Compose configuration, image creation with Dockerfiles and dockerignore files, container management, port exposure, stopping Docker image processes, best practices, and an example file structure. Setting Up Docker and Docker Compose On Ubuntu 20.04: 1. Update and Install Required Packages: sudo apt update sudo apt install ca-certificates curl gnupg lsb-release 2. Add Docker GPG Key: curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg 3. Add Docker Repository: echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] https://download.docker.

25 Essential Docker Commands For Container Management

Docker, a popular containerization platform, revolutionizes the way we build, ship, and run applications. Understanding its commands is crucial for any developer or system administrator working with containers. This comprehensive guide delves into 25 commonly used Docker commands, providing detailed explanations, code examples, and practical applications. 1. docker pull Purpose: Downloads a Docker image from a registry. Syntax: docker pull <image name> Example: $ docker pull nginx 2. docker images Purpose: Lists all Docker images on the system. Syntax: docker images Example: $ docker images Output: REPOSITORY         TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED          SIZE nginx              latest              <none>              2 days ago        13.6MB ubuntu             latest              <none>              3 weeks ago       78.8MB 3. docker run Purpose: Runs a Docker container from an image. Syntax: docker run <opt

Building Web Scraping Tools with Node.js: Extracting Data from Websites Efficiently - Puppeteer vs. Playwright

The ability to extract valuable data from websites has become increasingly crucial in the era of big data. Node.js emerges as a powerful platform for building efficient web scraping tools, empowering you to effortlessly gather data like product prices, news articles, or social media trends. This comprehensive blog post dives into web scraping with Node.js, offering practical insights and code examples using two popular libraries: Puppeteer and Playwright. Understanding Web Scraping with Node.js Web scraping utilizes Node.js to automate browser interactions, enabling you to fetch specific data from websites. These tools essentially simulate human behavior, navigating through pages, clicking buttons, filling forms, and extracting desired information. While numerous libraries exist, Puppeteer and Playwright have gained immense popularity due to their extensive feature set and ease of use. Choose Your Weapon: Puppeteer vs. Playwright Both Puppeteer and Playwright share the core functio

Optimizing Supply Chains: Utilizing TensorFlow Keras For Demand Forecasting & Inventory Management

The modern landscape of supply chains demands agility, efficiency, and predictive capabilities. Businesses that can anticipate and respond to fluctuations in demand while optimizing inventory levels hold a significant competitive advantage. This is where TensorFlow Keras, a powerful deep learning framework, steps in. By leveraging its capabilities for demand forecasting and inventory management, businesses can gain valuable insights, automate processes, and streamline their supply chains. This blog post delves into the application of TensorFlow Keras in optimizing supply chains. We'll explore: The benefits of using TensorFlow Keras for demand forecasting and inventory management. Key concepts and techniques in TensorFlow Keras. Real-life use cases with code examples and sample data. Best practices for implementing TensorFlow Keras in your supply chain. Why TensorFlow Keras for Supply Chain Optimization? Traditionally, supply chain forecasting and inventory management relied on st

The 29 Next.js Mistakes Beginners Make (and How to Fix Them)

Next.js, with its powerful features like server components, server actions, and dynamic routing, has revolutionized web development. However, this power comes with a new learning curve, and beginners often stumble upon some common pitfalls. In this blog post, we'll explore 29 common Next.js mistakes that beginners make and provide explanations and solutions to help you avoid them. 1. Misusing the useClient Directive The useClient directive is crucial for marking components that need to run in the browser. However, placing it too high up in the component tree can lead to unintended consequences. Imagine you have a page component importing two subcomponents, one of which needs to be a client component. Placing useClient at the top of the page component will make all imported components client components, even if they don't require browser-side execution. This can lead to unnecessary code being shipped to the client, impacting performance. Solution: Add useClient directly to the

Advanced Branching Strategies: Using Git Flow, Feature Branches & Pull Requests For Efficient Development

Git, the most popular version control system, empowers developers with powerful tools for managing branching and collaborating on codebases. In this blog post, we'll explore advanced branching strategies to help you improve workflow efficiency, maintain code quality, and streamline collaboration. We'll delve into using Git Flow, feature branches, and pull requests effectively, aiming to equip you with the knowledge and tools to tackle complex projects with confidence. Git Flow: A Powerful Workflow Management Tool Git Flow is a popular branching model that helps structure your development process. It defines a set of standardized branches for different purposes, promoting clarity and consistency across development teams. Here's a breakdown of the key branches: Master: The main branch representing the production-ready code. Develop: The integration branch where all development work is merged before being deployed to master. Feature branches: Created for individual feature


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